
After Sales Service

After Sales Service

Within 24 hours (whether it's closed or not), you can report product damage or any discrepancy by email only, and after the expert's confirmation, you can return your product. Please note that the declaration of damaged goods must be made within the stated time frame. The products that include returns are as follows.
The purchased goods have a technical defect or an apparent defect (note that breakable goods that break during postal transportation to the city will not be returned without a postal report).
The product sent to you is wrong in terms of size, color, model, etc. This means that the color, etc., which you have chosen and which is stated in your invoice, is not acceptable to you with the product sent by the site.
In the case of breakable goods, priority mail should be used. Obviously, otherwise, the company will not be responsible for breakable goods.
According to the above clauses, if your product meets the necessary conditions for return, you must inform us of any issue via email within 24 hours and return the desired product within 72 hours after the expert's confirmation. If no report is sent to us about the product after this time, it means confirming the appearance and technical health of the product, and it is obvious that no return will be accepted after that.
The goods that are delivered in person must be received after checking the health and safety of the goods, and Behdad Electric Company will not be responsible for the physical health of the goods or the shortage of the goods after that.
The damaged goods and all its accessories and belongings must be sent to Behdad Electric Company in the same form as the customer received them, together with the official meeting minutes of the transport company along with the purchase invoice. Goods that are returned without coordination or are refused to be received for some reason, will remain with us for one month, and you can return your goods by paying the postage during this period. Obviously, Behdad Electric Company will not be responsible for goods that are returned without coordination.
After delivery of the returned goods to Behdad Electric Company, they will be transferred to the expert unit so that any stated problems can be investigated. If the declared problem is confirmed, your product will be replaced within one working week and sent to you for free, or its cost will be returned according to the purchase invoice.
